Dark, Gothic, Occult Home Decor | Old Town Magick

Dark, Gothic, Occult Home Decor | Old Town Magick

If you’re in the UK, I hope your home/property/business hasn’t been too savaged by storm Eoywn🙏 It’s been more than a bit blustery up here in Edin and I’ve spent the entire day hiding in a warm nook with my laptop. I love cold, crisp and snowy winters but can’t say I’m loving this too much - if we’re not going to have a serene whiteout this year then let’s skip to spring please…🌿 While it’s been miserable outside, I’ve been working on some new media for the coming weeks, I hope you enjoy this majestic Octopus who is overseeing affairs in the kitchen… #oldtownmagick #edinburgh #scotland #darkacademia #darkaesthetic #darkhome #darkandmoody #gothic #gothichome #darkness #winter #darkdecor #kitcheninspo #kitchendesign #kitchendecor

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